Monday, November 27, 2006

2 Tim 2:15

Alright I read something that got my blood flowing today. I was minding my own business and I came accross a flyer that read "The End of False Religion is Near!" Being the cynic that I am, I figured I was in for something wack. The brochure contained an article that explains from the bible why we will see false religions torn down very soon. It then goes to say that true religion... practices love, trust's God's word, and strengthens families and upholds high moral standards. Does any religion meet these standards? Well some book states that if more ppl were jehova's witnesses there wouldn't have been a holocaust!

Now. I'm not even going to touch these comments. What I am going to say is that we need to KNOW the scriptures. We as Christians aren't the only ones that read the bible. There are several groups of people that misuse God's word (some blatantly, some ignorantly) and as I've heard it said many times - they know the book better than you do. It is SO important to have the Holy Spirit teaching you as you read the word. Do not let any teachings (whether they profess to be Christian or not) shape your thoughts, without studying the word in its context.

There's not much more to be said. I'm going to go do it, so should you (read God's Authoritative word - The Holy Bible).


At 1:21 AM, Blogger John said...


Amazing insight my dear brother.

I was pondering this thought as of late, it quite significant that we can read the bible and still interpret it with the "wisdom of man" and not the wisdmo that comes from God, the wisdom of the Holy G.

I am editing a master outline that MPeace gave me, in the very beggining (master outline 1, into, subsection II) it makes sure to establish the fact that we cannot interpret the Holy word of God on our own.

It says:

(A) The Bible is a difficult book because it came from the Infinite to the finite‑‑from the unlimited, all powerful God, to limited man. Therefore, you cannot understand the Bible as you would understand the writings of Plato or Socrates. You can study the great philosophers with the natural mind, and by diligent application, grasp their profound meanings. If the Bible could be understood by natural man, it would be a natural book, and could not be the Word of God. Since the Bible is from God, and therefore spiritual, before you can receive its teachings, you must be born of the Spirit (John 3:6) and filled with the Spirit (Eph. 5:18). Always approach the Bible praying that the Spirit will be your teacher and will guide you to a better understanding of His Holy Word, or it will remain a difficult, closed book (John 16:12‑15), (II Pet. 1:21)

huh? yeah. Good stuff. When im done editing I will email the outline to you, its amazing and i plan to pass it around a lot around this campus.


i have more thoughts, call me sometime i want to talk about this join blog. It would be sick.

aight 1! uno!


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